Coffee filters=love

I always thought coffee = love but I have learned recently that coffee filters can be much more versatile than coffee.
Let me back track. I made a random Saturday morning stop at Texas Junk. I stumbled upon these boards and loved the color and texture going on. I think most people would walk right past them. But, I am weird and fell in love with the frog. What can I say?

I bought them not knowing what I would make of them. Part of me wanted to hang them as art “as is”. But, I decided to go on Pinterest for inspiration. I saw that people were making flowers out of coffee filters and I thought they were absolutely beautiful and CHEAP! Tutorial

So, I painted them coral and stuck them on the board.

I placed these (it took me forever to place them….bc no matter what it kept looking like a penis) on the bottom right board. I decided that I would paint a gold bird on the top left board. For some reason I thought it would be natural if the bird was eying the flower 🙂

I cannot draw for the life of me, so I printed out a coloring book page of a bird. I turned it into a stencil and… SUCCESS!

I have super high ceilings and so I decided to place the “art” over my headboard to add more vertical attention.

I made the night stand, headboard and pillows (they aren’t perfect.. but I am just learning how to sew). More to come!

I turned my frog into a prince. 🙂